Sustainability is at our core… literally.
We live our commitment to sustainability every day.
Sourced from nearby certified new-growth tracts and milled with no carbon footprint, the core of OUTDECO USA products is 97% hardwood fiber comprised of tailings and usable timber that otherwise would be wasted. OUTDECO USA panel substrates contain none of the noxious synthetic additives found in other composite boards.
We were born into a world of sustainability; we didn’t just stumble into it. From the beginning, our business model was based on the use of sustainable timber under a manufacturing process that required us to innovate in order to achieve a negative carbon footprint. We live the commitment to sustainability every day. It defines our relationship with Australia and with people all over the planet, and we hoped it would matter to people enough to choose our brand as long as we made a good product and were true to our beliefs.
So 10 years later, here we are in Canada and the United States, very excited about what OUTDECO USA is doing for our customers and for this fragile planet we share.
OUTDECO USA panels are free of synthetic additives and chemicals.
Carbon-Negative Mill
Australia is proving itself a global leader in the area of climate change mitigation and in our home country, where OUTDECO is turning negatives into big positives. OUTDECO USA uses a mill that produces 100% of its product from sustainable new-growth Australian hardwood in an ISO 9001 certified process.
This use of native, local species chosen from within a maximum 150 kilometer catchment area of the mill follows our philosophy of transport, process, and carbon impact minimization. The mill has worked to ensure the raw timber for the production of our reconstituted natural hardwood is collected from a deliberate mix of sources, including local sawmill tailings, thinnings from environmental felling (clearing) of sustainably managed forests, and by-product sources that would otherwise be discarded. We never source from primary growth forests, logging sources, or any protected area or species.
The trees used to produce OUTDECO USA panels have sequestered enough carbon dioxide during their growth to counter any carbon dioxide equivalent emissions produced at our mill during its manufacture. That makes the mill an industrial factory that generates massive carbon savings because we produce a product that actually contains more carbon removed from the atmosphere than what is emitted during its production. The mill can proudly boast that its products have a negative carbon footprint.